Revolutionize Your Way of Working.

Discover the different services Salted Minds offers to help you reach new heights in your professional and personal life. Ranging from in-depth Individual Coaching, Organizational Development to epic Business Retreats, Salted Minds has you covered.

Anastasia Lonski drawing some sketches on a paper infront of a macbook

A Different Kind of Approach

Salted Minds combines ease, authenticity, structured methods, and surf-inspired creativity, creating a collaboration experience that fosters genuine connections and innovative solutions.


Our approach fosters ease and positivity in a welcoming space. Emphasizing a step-by-step process, we make it fun, easy-going, and lighthearted, empowering individuals to thrive.


We've got your back! To empower you to fully concentrate on your challenge, we provide you with clear structures. With interdisciplinary methods, thought-provoking questions, and vibrant, creative tools, your growth becomes unstoppable!


We believe in the uniqueness of every individual — every wave is different, so are we. At Salted Minds, we empower individuals and teams to discover their own passions, values, and strengths, fostering powerful growth.


We are convinced that surf experiences and the nature of the ocean reveal life lessons. Drawing inspiration from this metaphor, we uncover solutions for real-life challenges and chase our passions.

Salted Clients Sharing
Their Stoke

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Name Surname

Position, Company name

Ana has been supporting our executive team for over 4 years in strategy development and cultural change, consistently bringing new and fresh perspectives. With her unconventional and innovative approach, she motivates us to think in a needs- and solution-oriented manner, tackling complex challenges with creativity. I am particularly impressed by her ability to scrutinize even difficult subjects and, through the right questions, delve into the "problem behind the problem". Ana is undoubtedly an expert in her field, and her passion for her work is clearly reflected in the results. We are grateful for the collaboration and look forward to more inspiring moments in the future.


Managing Director

I worked with Ana as part of her innovative coaching program to enhance my personal development and my role as the Innovation Manager at VR-Bank Werdenfels eG. For me, it was a perfectly tailored solution to bring about changes in both myself and my role within the bank. The various sessions and methods still support me in my daily endeavors. It was the personal aspect - the peer-level interaction with Ana - that made it so intriguing for me. Her innovative and open approach, her creative perspective on sometimes conventional banking topics, and her energy to constantly bring something new to life are what truly distinguish her. You can simply feel her passion for and dedication to her subjects :) Whether it's personal or professional, anyone looking to advance should definitely take advantage of Ana's expertise. :)


Innovation Manager

Ana supported us in our strategy process. Given the changing market conditions and internal demands, we aimed to adjust our direction and develop a forward-looking strategy. Ana took the time to thoroughly understand each area beforehand and conducted a precise assessment. This allowed her to select the appropriate methods and approach for our workshops. As a result, during the workshop, we could fully concentrate on our topics and work on the future strategic alignment. I particularly appreciated her open, dynamic, and humorous manner of flexibly adapting to the participants. Ana was also readily available for questions and discussions afterwards. For those seeking structure and authenticity, Ana is the right person to turn to. Thank you for your valuable support!



Superb support in the strategy process: Ana exceeded our expectations. She accompanied us, ABG, in our strategy process and a customer workshop. From preparation to implementation, we are truly delighted with the results and successes in our daily operations. Ana continuously surprises us with innovative methods, a clear structure, and result-oriented focus, all delivered with ease and enjoyment. We always look forward to working with Ana! 😊 When it comes to strategy guidance, organizational development, customer-centric workshops, or innovation at ABG, we all eagerly anticipate collaborating with Ana.


Department Head

I was super lucky this summer to had a coaching session with Ana 🥰 I felt stuck, full of confusion and lack of confidence in the ocean that time, not knowing what to do. Ana guided me to face my emotions and fears, helped to understand them rather than fighting, she also navigated me to the very core memory and unwind the reasons why I fell in love with the ocean💙 I’m still applying methods she gave me on the daily basis in different life situations as it gives me strength and confidence. Thank you one more time for this early morning session that helped me to move on 🫶


Cloud Platform Engineer

I had the opportunity to get to know Ana as part of my personal development in the field of HR training, and I immediately appreciated her approach of taking things in a relaxed yet focused and structured manner. Her way of learning new tools through hands-on experience and personal involvement encourages one to implement these tools immediately in practice. Even after the initial interaction, Ana is always ready to provide support and engage in a beneficial exchange of ideas. It is evident that she is truly passionate about her subjects. I have particularly benefited from Ana's expertise in implementing Design Thinking methods.


Learning & Development Specialist

Anastasia supported us as a facilitator in a strategy workshop for Strategic Procurement Internal Demand. The collaboration was delightful, as she exuded both ease and competence, positively influencing the atmosphere. Anastasia enriched the workshop with fantastic ideas and contributions, engaging participants and encouraging interaction. Her ability to consider various perspectives made the workshop truly exceptional. I wholeheartedly recommend her, especially for innovative workshops with energizing team-building activities. Thank you for the fantastic collaboration; I look forward to more opportunities in the future.


Head of Corporate Purchasing & Services

Ana has been indispensable for our company for years. As an external sparring partner, facilitator, workshop leader, and coach, she accompanies our change process, fostering an open mindset and an innovation culture. Her support in product development, business field expansion, and strategic guidance for the leadership team are just a few aspects of our collaboration. Ana addresses difficult topics directly, brings in fresh ideas, and questions thought patterns. Her adaptability and 110% commitment are contagious. Our collaboration is characterized by trust and respect. I wholeheartedly recommend her as a coach, project leader, facilitator, or concept developer.


Project Portfolio Owner

Anastasia always supports our boutique consultancy whenever it comes to igniting creativity. Whether it's team development or creatively realigning our approach to work, she breaks through our thought patterns and enables a fresh perspective on challenges. With her open, inspiring, and humorous approach, we not only achieve great results in content but also have fun in the process. Her workshops are a real highlight, where we successfully develop new ideas together.


Managing Partner


Got questions? Check our FAQs for answers. If you can‘t find an answer to your question, get in touch with us!

What services does Salted Minds offer?

Salted Minds offers immersive business retreats, co-creative workshops, individual coaching, and transformative organizational development services.

What industries and company sizes does Salted Minds primarily work with?

Salted Minds primarily works with individuals and teams of diverse industries and organizations of all sizes seeking transformative growth and development.

Is Salted Minds open to international collaborations and clients outside of Germany and Portugal?

Absolutely! Salted Minds thrives on global connections and exciting collaborations! We enthusiastically welcome clients from all corners of the world, beyond the borders of Germany and Portugal. Our coaching and consulting services are designed to empower individuals, teams, and organizations internationally, embarking on a journey of transformative growth and development. Wherever you are, we are ready to join you on this thrilling path of positive change!

How can I book a consultation call with Salted Minds?

Booking a call with Salted Minds is super easy. Just fill out the inquiry form with your name, email address, and a brief message detailing your interest in a consultation call. Alternatively, you can find my direct contact, email or phone number.
Once I receive your inquiry, I will promptly reach out to you. I can't wait to connect with you and discuss your unique needs and aspirations!

In which languages are the coaching and consulting services provided?

Salted Minds offers coaching and consulting services in English and German. While I’m working on offering my services in Portuguese and Spanish, I currently prioritize delivering them in languages I’m fluent in to ensure the best experience for my clients. However, feel free to communicate with me in English, German, Spanish or Portuguese for your coaching and consulting needs.

How can I stay updated with the latest news and events from Salted Minds?

The best way is to reach out directly to me via the contact form or email. Additionally, don't forget to follow Salted Minds on Instagram for inspiring content, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and announcements about upcoming events. Join our community and be a part of our transformative journey!

salted_minds-business-coaching-retreat Anastasia Lonski talks to people

Are You Ready for the Next Step?

Then get in touch with me and let’s find out if Salted Minds is the right choice for you!